Uses: Tata Yellow is highly apt for colouring of cement and mosaic floors, tiles, dadoes and plastic works colour wash.
Application Procedure: Complete and careful mixing of the Tata Yellow flooring colours and cement is imperative for best results. Tata Yellow should be mixed with grey or white cement in the proportion 1:3 or 1:4 (colour of cement), depending upon the desired depth of the colour- [Grey cement is recommended for deep shades and white cement for pastel shades].
Moreover, to eliminate the occurrence of patches and also to produce a smooth and uniform finish, the colorant and cement must be mixed in a dry state before adding water. The mixture has to be applied by trowelling. A 24 hour gap has to be maintained before curing is undertaken for setting.
Polishing: Buffing and polishing should be undertaken after the floor has been allowed to dry for a week. More time will ensure a better hardening.
Packaging: Tata Green is packed in 1/2 kg HDPE pouch with liner.